Guarding history. Krakow Town Archives of Former Records 1887–1952 - Treasures

„From yellowed volumes… conjuring the past of the royal town…”

The most important task of the Krakow Town Archives of Former Records was to gather the vast clerical heritage of the town that was spread across numerous municipal and governmental institutions. Therefore, the action of merging the collections of records books and documents of Krakow, Kazimierz, Kleparz and the suburbs from the 14th to the 19th century was carried out. Next, the records of the Town Hall from 1796–1816, as well as the archival materials from the Archives of the Free Town of Krakow, were added. The records of the town of Podgórze, the 19th-century records of the Krakow Town Hall and the court archives were also acquired with time. The records of societies, brotherhoods, guilds and private collections, such as the collections of Edmund Diehl and Ambroży Grabowski, were also deposited. In 1923, the records of the Supreme National Committee were added to the resources. Mainly due to donations, it was also possible to organise an extensive library, with a separate section concerning the Polish Legions. The Krakow municipal archives possessed constantly increasing collections of maps and town plans. It also collected the census records of Krakow from the years 1850–1921, as well as school and hospital records. In 1951, the collections of the Archives amounted to almost 1400 metres of records and over 18 thousand archival units.

Jadwiga of Poland calls Krakow’s townspeople to pledge an oath of allegiance to her husband, Władysław Jagiełło, Krakow, 3rd December 1387(ANK, Zbiór dokumentów pergaminowych, sygn. Perg. 87
Pope Boniface IX, at the request of Queen Jadwiga and the councillors of Krakow, permits members of the city council to elect, from among the clergy, a sacristan to guard the parchments and books of the St. Mary’s Church, Rome, 11th January 1397 (ANK, Zbiór dokumentów pergaminowych, sygn. Perg. 109)
Provost Rudolf Francis Hagen issues a letter of good birth for Rudolf Wacław Nagely. Document illustrated with a floral ornament made in ink, within it there are figures of St. Rudolf and St. Wenceslaus, Obce Czeslickie, 1st March 1738 (ANK, Zbiór dokumentów pergaminowych, sygn. Perg. 1001)
Book of the head of the town hall from 1564-1564, bound in a manuscript in Carolingian majuscule, dated to the 10th cent (ANK, Akta miasta Krakowa, rkps 899)
Book of the City Council of Krakow, 1542–1545 r. Election for the City Council of Krakow of the Krakow guild elders in 1543 in the presence of the king (ANK, Akta miasta Krakowa, rkps 439, s. 174–175)
Book of admissions to the municipal law 1392–1422 r. Admission to the municipal law from 1409 (ANK, Akta miasta Krakowa, rkps 1420, s. 530–531)
Registrum Domini Advocati Cracoviensis, 1522, description of Jan Dantyszek’s library (ANK, Akta miasta Krakowa, rkps 115 s. 169, 174–175)
Book of court records of the town of Kazimierz near Krakow 1528–1541. Will and testament of Bartłomiej Berecci, the builder of the Wawel Castle, 1586 (ANK, Archiwum miasta Kazimierza pod Krakowem, sygn. 29/34, s. 364–365 )
Saddlers’ Fortified Tower, drawing by J. Głogowski, early 19th cent. (no longer existing) (ANK, Zbiór Ambrożego Grabowskiego, sygn. 29/679/14, ryc. 214 )
Indeks do spisu ludności z 1890 r. (ANK, Spis ludności miasta Krakowa z 1890 r., sygn. 29/88/45 s.229
Posiedzenie Prezydium Naczelnego Komitetu Narodowego oraz Departamentu Wojskowego, prezes NKN Władysław Leopold Jaworski, Władysław Sikorski, Ignacy Daszyński, Stanisław Kot, Marian Kukiel, fot. nieznany, b.d. (ANK, Naczelny Komitet Narodowy 29/530/608)
Józef Piłsudski, Leon Berbecki z oficerami 5. Pułku Piechoty Legionów (ANK, Naczelny Komitet Narodowy, sygn. 29/530/608)

Guarding history. Krakow Town Archives of Former Records 1887–1952- Documentary – subtitles English version

The National Archives in Krakow 2017

Project financed by the General Director of State Archives in Warsaw